Dr Hua Zhao

Hello, I'm Hua Zhao, a researcher in the field of Computer Science with a passion for leveraging technology to address societal challenges. I have four years of research experience in building robust machine learning and data science models. My expertise extends to developing sophisticated statistical algorithms, where I have actively contributed to the resolution of pressing social issues. My academic journey is marked by the publication of seven research papers. Beyond my research endeavors, I am deeply passionate about the learning process and find joy in coding, continually seeking to expand my skill set. My enthusiasm for education extends to my experience as a math teacher at a UN refugee school, where I volunteered my time to contribute to the academic development of young minds. As I continue on this path of my academic career, I look forward to further exploration, collaboration, and the continual evolution of my skills to contribute meaningfully to both academia and society.

Publications: Journal

1. A Novel Method on Translating People's Names in Mandarin - 'LT-NTM' * Link *

Hua Zhao and Fairouz Kamareddine. International Journal of Computer & Software Engineering. Int J Comput Softw Eng 8: 185. doi: https://doi.org/10.15344/2456-4451/2023/185.

2. A Novel Method On Translating People’s Names In Mandarin - ‘DT-NTM’ * Link *

Hua Zhao and Fairouz Kamareddine. Global Journal of Engineering Sciences. 10(3): 2022. GJES.MS.ID.000740. DOI: 10.33552/GJES.2022.10.000740.

Publications: Conference Paper

1. A Novel Method That Identifies The Hidden Properties Of A Person's Name In Kanji Or Hanzi * Link *

Hua Zhao, Fairouz Kamareddine, Alasdair JG Gray, and Hind Zantout. In The 8th Multidisciplinary International Social Networks Conferencem, pp. 79-85. 2021. Location: Norway, Taiwan.

2. Advance gender prediction tool of first names and its use in analysing gender disparity in Computer Science in the UK, Malaysia and China* Link *

Hua Zhao, and Fairouz Kamareddine. 2017 International Conference on Computational Science and Computational Intelligence (CSCI). IEEE, 2017. Location: USA.

3. Recursion identification algorithm for gender prediction with Chinese names * Link *

Hua Zhao, Fairouz Kamareddine. In CSCE'18 - The 2018 World Congress in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, & Applied Computing. Location: Las Vegas, USA.

4. A Decision Tree Method on Fuzzy Name Identification from Chinese phonemic names to Chinese names * Link *

Hua Zhao, and Fairouz Kamareddine. 2018 International Conference on Computational Science and Computational Intelligence (CSCI), IEEE, 2018. Location: USA.

5. A Novel Phonetic Algorithm for Predicting Chinese Names using Chinese Pin Yin * Link *

Hua Zhao, Fairouz Kamareddine. In 15th International Conference on Machine Learning and Data Mining MLDM 2019. Location: New York, USA.

PhD Thesis

Link to PhD Thesis


1. Java skill verification certificate * Certificate Link *

Certificate ID: DD307957DEDF

2. Python skill verification certificate * Certificate Link *

Certificate ID: CA30318FBF5F

3. SQL (Basic) skill verification certificate * Certificate Link *

Certificate ID: D960B2702EE6

4. Problem Solving (Basic) skill verification certificate* Certificate Link *

Certificate ID: 85C5AFE7BD7F

Conference Presentations

1. Title: Hidden properties identification of people's names.

Presenter: Hua Zhao. Location: Norway, Taiwan, Online. Date: 16 November 2021.

2. Title: Gender prediction tool of people's names.

Presenter: Hua Zhao. Location: Las Vegas, USA. Date: December 2017.

3. Title: Advance gender prediction tool of People's names and its use in analysing gender disparity in Computer Science in the UK, Malaysia and China.

Presenter: Hua Zhao. Location: Edinburgh, UK. Date: December 2017.

4. Title: Recursion identification algorithm for identifying Pinyin names.

Presenter: Hua Zhao. Location:Las Vegas, USA. Date: 2018.


1. Organization: UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency (UN Refugee School) - Date: February - April, 2014

Role: Teacher

2. Organization: TED Conferences - Date: 2013

Role: Assistant

3. Organization: INCLUDED - Non-profit Organization (Inclusive cities for migrants in slums) - Date: 2013

Role: Teacher


Master's Scholarship in Information Technology

Issued by Heriot-Watt University, UK

Email: dr.hua.zhao@gmail.com

Google Scholar:Hua Zhao